Session description
When you embark upon a website redesign effort, one of the most essential (but often most scary) conversations to have is about content. The longer you wait to think about it, the more daunting it can be. And the further you go down a project, the more content decisions you will have already made (whether you realized you were making them or not). If you don't have a plan for how to address and support them, you’ll find yourself in a tight spot.
But with some advance planning and by elevating content to a primary topic of discussion at every phase of the project, it doesn’t have to be that scary. In fact, it can be fun! (No, really.)
In this presentation, we'll share our approach for considering content at every phase of of your website redesign, from budget and resourcing, to strategy and design, through to CMS build and governance. Oh, and the actual content creation itself!
By being thoughtful about content needs and resources from day one, your project can remain on schedule, on brand, and on target.
Georgy Cohen

Georgy Cohen has spent more than 15 years wrangling digital content for universities, newspapers, and a host of other organizations. She is director of digital strategy at OHO Interactive, a Boston-based, full-service digital agency specializing in higher education. Georgy previously worked at Tufts University and Suffolk University, in addition to running her own independent higher ed consultancy. She speaks frequently, including keynote addresses at HighEdWeb Pittsburgh 2014 and HighEdWeb Arkansas 2011. Georgy's background is in journalism, including a three-year stint working in the fast-paced online newsroom of The Boston Globe.
- General Lecture Session: Managing Content Development for Your Website Redesign